Erev Shabbat Friday, January 31 Singing Circle Shabbat, 6:30 pm In Person Come sing this Shabbat. On the occasional fifth Friday we will have a “Singing Circle Shabbat”—rather than follow the breadth of the liturgy and service, we will focus on depth and focus on a few songs and prayers, letting them reverberate in the room andin our souls. Instruments and percussion welcome!
Candle lighting: 4:55 pm
Torah Readings Parashat Bo Torah Portion: Exodus 10:1-13:16
Haftarah: Jeremiah 46:13-28
Shabbat Morning Saturday, February 1 Tot Shabbat, 10:00 am In Person All kids ages 0-6 and their grown-ups and families are invited to share in song, story, movement, music and prayer as we celebrate Shabbat together. Our Tot Shabbat will be held at TBH. Followed by a craft and snacks in the Social Hall.
February Member Connect Entries Due
Our February issue of Member Connect will be coming out shortly. Please send your entries to Kayla for inclusion!
Teva Sharing Circle Saturday, February 1, 3:00 pm In Person
People who have previously attended are most welcome to join us again- every session is different!
The word tevah is used in the Torah to refer to Noah’s ark as well as the basket that Moses was placed in. Our circle will be a safe and confidential space to express what’s on your hearts and minds, both about our Jewish world and about our wider world so rife with hatred and conflict. At the outset we’ll agree to some basic ground rules to give us structure and safety. Each participant will have an opportunity to speak while holding the talking stick (actually a silver sugar bowl).
Evan Ferber and Eliana Stockwell-Ferber will facilitate. They both have training and experience in small group facilitation. No registration is required. Please come, including those of you who’ve come to past teva circles. We’ll be meeting at three pm upstairs in the Temple chapel on the first Shabbat, the next three months.
Date: Shabbat February 1st Where: the Temple chapel, from 3pm to 4:30 pm
For more information, please email Evan or Eliana at or
Melaveh Malka: Game Night Saturday, February 1, 7:00 pm In Person
Melaveh Malka is a traditional term describing Saturday night—accompanying Shabbat out as we get ready for the new week. This will be a new monthly opportunity for some TBH social time! Visit with your Jewish community and have fun!
Join us this Saturday for Game Night! Snacks, drinks, and some games provided. Briang any of your favorite games to share!
Senior Schmooze Tuesday, February 4, 12:00 pm In Person
Join us on the first Tuesday of every month for a social gathering, occasional short presentations and healthy dose of humor. Definition of "senior" is up to you. All are welcome.
FORKids Food Packing Tuesday, February 4, 12:00 pm In Person @ 2260 Mottman Rd SW
TBH was the first faith community to begin the Thurston County Food Bank ForKids program by filling actual backpacks full of food that were handed out at elementary schools in 2007.
TBH will continue to fill bags the first Tuesday of every month throughout the school year when TBH volunteers will gather at the Tumwater Food Bank. We look forward to a good turnout and encourage both parents, grandparents, children, single adults and childless adults who wish to volunteer to come on the first Tuesday of every month.
Alex Graham Mitzvah Project
Hi, I'm Alex Graham and for my Bar Mitzvah Project, I am collecting clothes for defendants on trial. I am doing this because often people on trial don't have access to nice clothes and have to wear what the Office of Criminal Defense has available. Often attorneys buy clothes with their own funds. This can cause biased views based on their image, preventing an impartial trial.
I believe that during trials, what someone is wearing shouldn't be a factor in determining innocence. Having easy access to clothes will help eliminate unfair trials and create more equitable trials. This way everyone can have a chance in court.
I will be collecting gently used or new business casual clothes such as suits, ties, button down shirts, slacks, belts, shoes and skirts as well as monetary gift cards or money. Thank you for your generosity.
"How to Give a D'var Torah" Workshop Tuesday, February 11, 7:00 pm Online
Do you want to share your thoughts about the Torah portion but you are not sure how? Rabbi Seth will teach you! Come to the “How to Give a D’var Torah” workshop. We will learn how to begin, prepare, research, and deliver a d’var Torah. Please register in advance for planning purposes.
Remember: Torah is for all! There is no one “right” interpretation! We are all learners and we are all teachers! Zoom Information: Register>>
Shabbat Shirah Kumsitz Saturday, February 15, 4:00 pm In Person
We are looking for A/V support for hybrid services. We are looking to build out a cohort of folks who are willing to help run the Zoom component for our hybrid services. Please contact Kayla if interested.
Share your Torah Thoughts!
Each week we have the opportunity to share thoughts and teachings about the weekly Torah portion as part of our services. And we want to hear your wisdom! Rabbi Seth invites you to deliver a d’var Torah at an upcoming service, no experience necessary—and he can help you craft your message. (Also look for a d’var Torah workshop over the summer). If you are interested, sign up here.
Sustaining Fund Frank Herman in memory of Ralf Herman
John Victor Kaydus Isadore Isaac Goodman Rachel Kogan Nina Grauer Jacqueline Silva Abraham Shats Maurice Rubenstein Dena Bank Jacob Goldberg Jacob Goldberg Bob Perretz Edward M. Reiner Max Bach Adele Youdin Alvin Posner Paul Lazovick George Stout Irving Hanig Mark Kogan Ralf Herman Albert Gottfeld Jeffrey Kashdan Mark Gross Percy Bean Max Shimon Rabbi Judah Avida Percy Bean Ruby Koppelman Sam Frank Parker Janet Halpern Phil Scheier Esther Robinson Mary Jane Haynes Katherine Hogarty-Delaney
Happy Birthday!
29 Iila Kennelly 30 Asa Blanarik 30 Bill Dole, Jr. 30 Lorrie Markman 31 Milo Halofsky 1 Charlie Michaelson 2 Hilarie Hauptman 2 Patricia Barr 2 Andrée Brooks 3 Evan Hirsch 3 Sonja Dordal 5 Laura Bourland
Yahrtzeit Updates & Additions
Members are able to view, edit, and add Yahrtzeits on the member portal of the TBH website here (requires log in). If you need assistance, please feel free to send any updates to
Mi Sheberach Updates
During Shabbat services, we always include a prayer for healing and maintain a list on behalf of members who want to include names in the healing prayers (as well as offering them verbally during services). Fill out this form to add a name to the list. May all be blessed with a refua shleyma, a complete healing of body, mind, and spirit.
COMMUNITY EVENTS/RESOURCES: Note: These are not necessarily officially sponsored or endorsed by TBH, but they are listed as they have Jewish content and/or may be of interest to our community.
Limmud Seattle 2025
Registration is now OPEN for the 8th Annual Limmud Seattle Learning Festival! This is your chance to deepen your Jewish journey, connect with community, and explore new perspectives.
This year’s festival features a new track focused on learning the skills to have difficult but necessary conversations on tough topics like the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, Zionism, antisemitism, and more—helping keep our Jewish community strong and unified. 🌍💬
Limmud is offering childcare this year – so watch for it on the registration page. Jewish educators can attend at no charge using Discount Code ‘educator 2025’, as their fee will be covered by Samis.
Limmud Seattle is a volunteer-run, for the community, by the community event. Whether you attend virtually, in informal home gatherings (Limmud Ba'Salon), or in person, there’s something for everyone!
Key Dates: 🔹 Feb 9, 2025 – eFestival (virtual participation) 🔹 Feb 15, 2025 – Limmud Ba'Salon (in-home gatherings) 🔹 Feb 16, 2025 – In-person Festival 👉 Register now and be part of this incredible community learning experience!