Shabbat Morning Saturday, June 15 Mussar, 10:00 am Online We will take a deep dive into parashat Nasso – Numbers 4:21-7:89. We will study and practice the soul trait of Zerizut/ Alacrity: Doing What Ought to Be Done. Please plan on joining us for an intriguing Mussar discussion of this Torah portion and this important soul trait. Spend shabbat morning with us.
Shavuot: Torah and Cheesecake (and Movie Night!) Tuesday, June 11, 6:30 pm - 12:00 am In Person
Shavuot is the springtime festival that celebrates Torah and Jewish learning in all its forms. A commemoration of the biblical story of the giving of the Torah on Mount Sinai, Shavuot is marked by the traditional practice of learning late into the night and eating dairy foods. This year we will kick off the evening with an all-ages ice cream party!
After the ice cream party, we will be screening the film, Defending Your Life. This is the story of Daniel (Albert Brooks), who finds himself in Judgment City, a way station where the newly deceased must prove they lived a life of sufficient courage to advance in their journey through the universe. Following the film there will be a Mussar discussion, with facilitators Michele & Richard Jackman. We will discuss what keeps us from advancing on our individual journeys. You are invited to an intriguing discussion of Courage and our individual boldness.
SHARING CIRCLES - Our Jewish World in Crisis Thursday, May 30, 7:00 pm, Thursday, June 6, 7:00 pm, Thursday, June 13, 7:00 pm In Person
A space will be formed that’s safe and confidential for participants to express what’s on their hearts and minds about our current human world so full of hatred and violence. All participants will agree to some basic ground rules. Each participant will have an opportunity to speak while holding the talking stick. Each session will be co-facilitated by Evan Ferber and Eliana Stockwell-Ferber. They both have training and experience in small group facilitation. Each session will be limited to twenty different people.
LAST SALON OF THE YEAR! Shabbat Salon with Ira Kitmacher Friday, June 14, 6:00 pm In Person
Join TBH for our June Salon, featuring local historian and author Ira Kitmacher. He will be discussing his book Monsters and Miracles: Horror, Heroes, and the Holocaust. In the book, Ira takes a cinematic view of the Holocaust: one part horror and the other part a hero and superhero story. The forces of good overcome those of evil. He believes there is no way to fully understand the Holocaust and currently rising hatred without understanding these underlying topics.
Our salon includes a dinner at 7:00 pm catered by Nineveh! We will gather in the social hall to say Shabbat prayers as a community and enjoy dinner together. Our featured presenter will follow at approximately 8:00 pm. Register for the dinner>>
June Board Meeting Tuesday, June 18, 6:00 pm In Person
Our June regular board meeting date has been changed due to the holiday! We will be gathering in person for our final board meeting of the current board year. Please contact the office if you would like to attend the meeting.
Stars of David Softball Season Monday Evenings, next June 17th In Person at Yauger Park
With the rain cancelling the first game scheduled for this past Monday, the start of the Stars of David Softball season has been delayed by a week! The next regularly scheduled game is Monday, June 10th with the first game on field #3 at 6:15 and the second on field #2 at 7:20 pm. Come out to support the TBH team!
Growing Shabbat! End of Year Celebration Friday, June 21, 6:00 pm Hybrid Service at 7:00 pm
We will be thanking our educators and families in the last Growing Shabbat of the year. Everyone is welcome to join us at 6pm for family friendly dinner and a 7pm service, designed with families in mind. We will say our thank yous at the oneg following the service. Registration is free, but required for dinner plans. Please put any dietary requirements in the notes when registering. Register here>>
We are hoping for good weather, so we can have our first BBQ of the summer-- let Catherine know if you can help with the grill.
All TBH members are invited to join our Annual Meeting for 2024 to review our past year, celebrate our successes, and plan for our upcoming year! All members in good standing should have received meeting materials this past weekend. We will meet on Zoom at 10:00 am.
After our morning Zoom meeting, members are invited to a hosted lunch at the TBH Courtyard for an all ages celebration, including the dedication of the Reiner Family Courtyard. Please make sure to RSVP to help with meal planning.
TBH is Marching in Pride Sunday, June 30, 11:00 am - 1:00 pm In Person
This year marks the return of the Pride Parade as part of the Capital City Pride festival, and TBH plans to be there to celebrate our Jewish LGBTQIA+ community! The parade will be Sunday, June 30 from 11-1. If you want to march with TBH, please register on our event page. (The organizers are requiring a waiver for all who attend).
Membership Renewals Due July 1
We will begin our online membership renewal process shortly! Please look for an emailed invitation to renew your membership sometime mid-June. This is intended to be a quick and easy process on your online account. However, if there are any difficulties with accessing your ShulCloud account or filling out your form, please email Kayla in the office. She will be happy to troubleshoot the process or send you a hard copy form.
Save The Date: OlyKlezFest August 4th in the Afternoon
Books for Rehoming in the Old Foyer!
With our libraries cleaned of all duplicates, we have many wonderful books that need new homes currently displayed in the old foyer. Take a peek any time you are in the building.
Keycard Deposits Refunds
The TBH board updated the synagogue's key policy this past spring, which no longer requires a $10 deposit for key holders. If you made a keycard deposit between 2016-2020 and would like your $10 deposit returned, please let Kayla know by June 30. All remaining deposits will be transfered to the synagogue's operating budget on July 1.
TBH Member Connect Email
TBH Member Connect has launched! In order for this to be a sustainable communication tool, please send your entries to Kayla for compilation throughout the month. Some content may be modified and inclusion will be at staff discretion. We will try out this format for the next few months and adjust as needed! Will be sent at the start of each month.
Share your Torah Thoughts!
Each week we have the opportunity to share thoughts and teachings about the weekly Torah portion as part of our services. And we want to hear your wisdom! Rabbi Seth invites you to deliver a d’var Torah at an upcoming service, no experience necessary—and he can help you craft your message. (Also look for a d’var Torah workshop over the summer). If you are interested, sign up here..
Stars of David Jay Goldstein and Jill Rosenkrantz Charles and Norma Shelan Daniel Farber
Sustaining Fund Phyllis Neff in honor of Jim's birthday!
Volunteers Greeters Gary Schneider Richard Jackman
Karl Brown Alan (Allie) Goldberg Sam Gelber Paulina Marron Kristie Shoemaker Harold E. Lemay Edie Zukauskas Sue Gibson Shirley Bornstein Sue Gibson Eva Goldberg Melvin Sapsowitz J. David Fine Lida Green Roselle Levy Kleinberger Carla Carol (Baer) Goodman Sarah Schwartz David Barnes Martin Kalikow Joseph Dubey Boris Oksengorn
Happy Birthday!
11 Daniel Stusser 12 Lynne Koral 13 Victor Colman 14 ROBERT GODWIN 15 Marnie Frisch 15 Susanne White 16 Josh Jennings 16 Kalee Alexandria
Yahrtzeit Updates & Additions
Members are able to view, edit, and add Yahrtzeits on the member portal of the TBH website here (requires log in). If you need assistance, please feel free to send any updates to
COMMUNITY EVENTS/RESOURCES: Note: These are not necessarily officially sponsored or endorsed by TBH, but they are listed as they have Jewish content and/or may be of interest to our community.
Interfaith Works: Faith Explorations Summer Camp July 22-26, 9 am - 3 pm In-Person at TBH
YOU are invited to Interfaith Works annual Interfaith Summer Camp, Faith Explorations. Each day will feature excursions to local parks and interfaith programming from volunteers from the Interfaith Works member network. Kids will also be given a t-shirt which they will tie-dye! Run by Catherine Carmel, Director of Jewish Family Life and Learning at TBH. Registration deadline is Thursday, July 18, 2024.
July 22-26, 2024 9 AM - 3 PM GRADES 2-6 FREE Donations Warmly Accepted
This camp is led by Catherine but relies on volunteer help and presentations! Volunteer to offer content to campers in 45-90 minute blocks, exploring the theme of Peace related to your faith tradition and practice. Email Catherine for more info.
Temple Beth Hatfiloh, 201 8th Ave SE, Olympia, WA 98501
Growing Shabbat! at TBH Friday, Jan 17th 5:30p to 8:00p Everyone is welcome to join us for family friendly dinner catered by Nineveh and a service.
Registration is free, but required for dinner plans.
Please put any dietary requirements in the notes when registering.