The final phase of installing the security systems is expected to be completed in November. Stay tuned for volunteer opportunities to help with planting in early November!
Wednesday, October 25, 2023 | 10 Cheshvan 5783
Erev Shabbat Friday, October 27 Online Service, 6:30 pm Online Join in virtual community to light candles and celebrate Shabbat on Zoom.
Shabbat Morning Saturday, October 28 Mussar, 10:00 am Online We will study, Lech L’cha – Genesis 12:1 – 17:27. The middah or soul trait for this torah portion we will study, and practice together is Yirah/Awe: Accompanying an Awe-Filled Journey. This parashat is particularly personal for us this month because we will have just returned from an adventure with our adult ‘kids’. Please plan on joining us on zoom for an intriguing Mussar discussion of this Torah portion and this soul trait. -Michele & Richard Jackman
Advancing in Hebrew Thursday, October 26, 7:00 pm Online
This seminar-type gathering will work on advancing Hebrew knowledge, including grammar and roots. Zoom Information: Join Meeting>> Meeting ID: 891 3976 7511
The Tea of Our Roots: Body Autonomy & Trans Herbalism in Jewish Sacred Texts Saturday, October 28, 3:00 pm In Person
Herbal remedies for reproductive autonomy and hormone regulation have existed across time, space & lineage. To find this thread we need look no further than our own Jewish sacred texts.
Talmudic texts speak of an Herbal remedy listed as one that causes both contraception & sterility. Hidden just beneath the surface of further Rabbinic writings are hints that these herbs could cause other changes as well.
In this workshop we will deep dive into this remedy: What plants were used? Which Rabbis (of which genders) knew of this recipe & its medicinal properties? Are there ethnobotanical or pharmacological grounds to its effectiveness? What were the cultural & medicinal contexts? What were the gender and sex paradigms? What were some halakhic attitudes towards the contraceptive effects referenced? Are there further references in other Jewish texts to this or other remedies of this kind?
Chevra Kadisha Volunteer Training Workshop Sunday, October 29, 10:00 am In Person
The first of three workshops on the role of the Chevra Kadisha, Tahara volunteers and community support programs, such as Shiva, meals, Chesed support, bereavement cards and ways to serve the dying at the bedside. Learn about our CK, Tahara training program, and communal bereavement practices, given the crisis in Israel. Resources includes ritual practices for the home; ways to support a community and oneself through trauma. More topics covered, include: Advance Directives, necessary documents and Creating a Bedside Plan. We'll explore the confidential nature of Tahara: ethics of anonymity and social discretion. The Chevra Kadisha gathers Sunday, Oct. 29, 2023, 10-12pm, room 101-102, ground floor. Please contact Leslie Shore to RSVP for the workshop by Friday, Oct. 28th. She will email program information to new volunteers then.
Next second workshop is set for Sunday, Nov. 19th, 2-4pm and will include a more thorough mock Tahara demonstration. Additional workshop information for Nov. 19th and Dec. 3rd workshops will be emailed prior to each training session.
Prospective Member Open House Sunday, October 29, 1:00 pm In Person
Have you engaged with TBH but not sure what “membership” means? Are you seeking ways to connect with Jewish tradition and community? Are you new to Olympia, or have you been around and finding your way to Jewish life? Do you value TBH’s presence and unique voice in the area?
You are invited! Come meet Rabbi Seth and other congregational leaders, learn about TBH’s spiritual, cultural and educational programs and events. Plus, decorate a rocks for the new TBH courtyard and eat some treats!
RSVP if possible, but walk-ins welcome too! or 754-8519
Green Team: Is the Port on Your Sonar for the Upcoming Elections? Sunday, October 29, 6:00 pm Online
The Green Team is hosting Jon Ceazan and Carla Wulfsberg, members of the Port of Olympia Action Team, sponsored by Olympia Indivisible.
Find out what concerns motivated the creation of public ports in Washington State and how many of those same concerns resonate today with citizens of Thurston County about the Port of Olympia. Through a timeline of historic photographs, witness how dramatically the Port of Olympia has changed over the past 100 years. Get acquainted with issues of public concern and the candidates running for Port Commissioner in Districts. 1, 4, & 5 this November. 38 minutes with a question and answer period following.
Jewish Hope & Healing Circle Starts Monday, October 23, 7:00 pm Online
An Evening of Klezmer with Jake Shulman-Ment and the New Fidl Kapelye Thursday, November 2, 7:00 pm In Person
Jake Shulman-Ment returns to Olympia with Abigale Reisman and tsimbalist Pete Rushefsky, two of the most highly regarded klezmer performers of their generation. They combine forces to present a virtuosic and energetic journey through raucous dance tunes, meditative listening music, original compositions, and new settings of Yiddish poetry. Don't miss this rare opportunity to experience this special collaboration celebrating the rich heritage of Jewish musical culture!
Melaveh Malka Starts! Game Night Saturday, November 4, 7:00 pm In Person
Melaveh Malka is a traditional term describing Saturday night—accompanying Shabbat out as we get ready for the new week. Visit with your Jewish community and have fun!
First up: Game Night! Drinks and Snacks provided, you bring the games! Board games, card games, Mah Jongg, Rummikub, Scrabble, etc. Bring your favorites and we will play.
Work Party at Quixote Village Sunday, November 5, 10:00 am – 1:00 pm In Person Help create clean and welcoming spaces for people who have experienced homelessness. Quixote Village provides housing and support that helps residents gain new footing in their lives. We will be cleaning and organizing common spaces in the Village. Join us on November 5 if you have creative ideas for organizing space or can help clean.
We will meet at Quixote Village, 3350 Mottman Road SW, Olympia at 10 am on November 5, and start with a tour of the Village. Questions? Call Marilyn Gisser, 360-951-5717.
Jam Session Sunday, November 5, 4:00 pm In Person Do you play an instrument? Are you interested in contributing musically to our Shabbat services? Rabbi Seth invites you to the TBH Jam Session! Whether you play the guitar, drum, piano, flute, stand-up bass, xylophone, fiddle, etc., this will be an opportunity to learn and share music. We will both have fun and set a kavannah (intention) to bringing more music to our Friday Night Services.
New Shabbat Morning Programming Coming in November! Second & Fourth Saturdays Hybrid
Starting in November, we will be adding a Shabbat morning service twice a month, on the days we have Torah and Talmud study! The service will be both a community Shabbat experience and a learning opportunity for our b'nai mitzvah families.
The schedule will run as follows:
9:00 a.m. Torah or Talmud study (hybrid, with coffee and snacks)
10:00 a.m. Shabbat morning service (in person)
11:30 a.m. Lunch/B’nai Mitzvah Class
12:30 p.m. Good bye and Shabbat shalom!
The morning service will be conducted in part as a “learning service" for our b'nai mitzvah students and open to all. The service will be followed by a communal lunch and class for students.
Hanukkah Bazaar Sunday, November 12, 12:00 - 6:00 pm In Person
Find that unique gift for that special someone! The Hanukkah Bazaar at Temple Beth Hatfiloh in Olympia Sunday, November 12, 2023 noon-6pm features jewelry, woodwork, photographic arts and crafts, glass art, textiles, soaps and scents, hand-printed items, and much more by many of the area’s finest artists and artisans. They will also have baked goods for sale to make your holiday season sweet!
The TBH Hanukkah Shop will be up and running for all of your Hanukkah supplies. We are also hosting a "Judai-kitsch Swap." Bring any of your Judaica items to TBH in the next few weeks or on the day of so that they can find a new home!
Read the October Newsletter from the Jewish Coalition for Immigrant Justice NW.
Stars of David Update
Another great season for the Stars of David. The playoff games were last Monday night. We made it into the gold bracket, narrowly losing the first game and winning the second game. See you in the spring!
Your gift today ensures a sweet year for our Jewish community in Olympia in 5784.
In years past, we have asked our community members for support at multiple times throughout the year to sustain our operations.
In 5784, our High Holidays open our Fall Giving Campaign. This campaign will continue through the next 3 months and close December 31st. Our goal is to raise $36,000—double chai!
Thanks to our generous donors, we have already raised over $13,000!
Anonymous Donors Marcela Abadi Sierra Abrams Sam Armour Jennifer Barber Tom & Karen Bean Noa Bechtle Ericka & Jeff Birkenstein in honor of Bob Birkenstein James & Denise Brennan Toby Brown Adrienne Buntain in honor of her grandaughter Dalya Mira Trebatch
Rachel Dagovitz David Deitz & Donna Landry Kathy Dixon Jill & William Dole James Dolliver Susan Finkel Karen Fitzgerald Janice Friebaum Leopold Gendelman Randee Gibbons in honor of Rabbi Seth Jody Goldman Alan & Karen Goldstein Jay Goldstein & Jill Rosenkrantz Joy Greenberg Susan Gresia Abby Gross Lydia Grossman Charlene Healy Sheldon Hoffman Richard & Michele Jackman in honor of Rabbi Seth Katie Johnson Ricki Kahn in honor of my family Ezra Katz with thanks to Rabbi Seth Mark Kaufman Juli Kelen Lori Kishimoto & Craig Wallace Victor Kogan Valerie Kolarik Michael & Ricki Koppel Jack & Carole Kowitt Diane Kurzyna & Alan Reichman
Tish Levee in honor of Vanessa Malapote's birthday Yana Levina Audrey Levine & Nels Johnson Andrea Lipper in honor of the IDF Robert Lovitt Deborah Loomis Keith Mars Carol McLaughlin Carla Michalove Diane Miller in memory of Bronwyn Vincent Deke Moulton Margaret Okamoto Marilyn Piper & Craig Costello in memory of Bronwyn Vincent Isabella Rogol Scott Royer in honor of Julie Frank's birthday Linda Sanda Debra Shapiro & Vincent Schwent Sara Shapiro in memory of Roger M Trafton Anjali Silva Jane Skinner Oscar & Barbara Soule Cynthia Spencer Mary Stevenson in memory of Jim Stevenson Ahna Stoller Raphael Venegas Sharon & Steven Weinberg Steven Weinberg Nancy West Jacqueline Wolf Carl & Ellen Wolfhagen
Arthur Sigmund Farber Harry Ebner Leo Cotler Milton Bean Isah Stoler Eva Robinson Leonard Snyder Arthur Delaney Max Steele George Koppelman Fritz Timian Dolores Franco Hurtado Jess Spielholz Al Hodes Linda Silverman Weisstein Charles Griffin Carole Stein David Soule Nancy Brzycki Eugerie Narcisse Paul Baer Minnie Levinson Aleksandra Kompaniez Milton Josephson Richard Shecter Ronald Jerome Brooks Berkeley Garrison Harriet Rosen Edward Hansen
Happy Birthday!
25 Bernie Friedman 27 Sarah Weiss 27 Rafi Friedlander 29 Barbara Sooule 29 Tina Cohen 31 Matt Booth 31 Shanti Herzog
Yahrtzeit Updates & Additions
Members are able to view, edit, and add Yahrtzeits on the member portal of the TBH website here (requires log in). If you need assistance, please feel free to send any updates to
COMMUNITY EVENTS/RESOURCES: Note: These are not officially sponsored or endorsed by TBH, but they are listed as they have Jewish content and/or may be of interest to our community.
Jewish Federation of Greater Seattle: Israel Updates
The Jewish Federation of Greater Seattle has put together a list of resources for taking action, keeping ourselves and our community strong and resilient, and staying up to date on the crisis. Find out more on this page about ways to get involved.
Attend a Virtual Solidarity Salon Your Federation's Jewish Community Relations Council (JCRC) invites you to join us for a Solidarity Salon with the Israeli organization Shaharit, in partnership with Makom, the education branch of the Jewish Agency for Israel. Shaharit does incredible work to build civil society across divides in Israel, and for that reason, Shaharit is one of Federation’s Israel & Overseas grantees this year. This program will feature speakers from across Israeli society (from Haredi to Bedouin) who will share a window into what Israelis from different communities are feeling and thinking during this shocking and devastating moment. All are welcome.