The TBH office will be closed tomorrow in observance of Juneteenth. The weekly is being sent one day early in advance of the holiday!
Wednesday, June 19, 2024 | 12 Sivan 5784
Erev Shabbat Friday, June 21
Growing Shabbat!, 6:00 pm Hybrid at TBH Our Growing Shabbat service is for all and geared specifically for families and children of all ages. Dinner will be held at 6:00 pm to celebrate the end of the year and thank our teachers (registration closed), with a hybrid service at 7:00 pm.
Shabbat Morning Saturday, June 22 Morning Service, 10:00 am In Person
Communal Lunch, 11:30 am In Person
Talmud Study, 12:30 pm In-Person/Hybrid with RSVP The Talmud is a compendium of law and lore that is the basis on which biblical interpretation and contemporary Jewish practice rest.
ZOOM INFO UPDATE: Saturday afternoon study sessions will be available on Zoom by request only. Email us by noon Friday to indicate your intended online attendance!
10:00 AM Annual Meeting on Zoom: All TBH members are invited to join our Annual Meeting for 2024 to review our past year, celebrate our successes, and plan for our upcoming year! All members in good standing should have received meeting materials, and a reminder email will go out later this week.
1:00 PM Courtyard Dedication and Member Lunch at TBH: After our morning Zoom meeting, members are invited to a hosted lunch at the TBH Courtyard for an all ages celebration, including the dedication of the Reiner Family Courtyard.
Unity Commons Meal Preparation Sunday, June 23 In Person
TBH will be preparing a monthly meal for 60 at the Unity Commons Shelter on Martin Way. Unity Commons is a supported housing apartment operated by Interfaith Works. For more information:
There are limited spots available--If you would like to be added to the list of volunteers for cooking in future months, please contact Kayla at
Advancing in Hebrew Tuesday, June 25, 7:00 pm Online
Meets 4th Tuesday of the month with Rabbi Seth. This seminar-type gathering will work on advancing Hebrew knowledge, including grammar and roots.
Stars of David Softball Season Monday Evenings, next June 24th In Person at Yauger Park
Come out to support the TBH team!
6/24: 6:15 pm (field 1) & 7:20 pm (field 1)
TBH is Marching in Pride Sunday, June 30, 11:00 am - 1:00 pm In Person
This year marks the return of the Pride Parade as part of the Capital City Pride festival, and TBH plans to be there to celebrate our Jewish LGBTQIA+ community! The parade will be Sunday, June 30 from 11-1. If you want to march with TBH, please register on our event page. (The organizers are requiring a waiver for all who attend).
Membership Renewals Due July 1
Membership Renewals are due July 1st! This is intended to be a quick and easy process on your online account. However, if there are any difficulties with accessing your ShulCloud account or filling out your form, please email Kayla in the office. She will be happy to troubleshoot the process or send you a hard copy form. The online renewal form can be found here.
Save The Date: OlyKlezFest August 4th in the Afternoon
RBIs with the Rabbi Sunday, August 18, 1:35 pm In Person
Join TBH for a summer afternoon of minor league baseball in an outing to see the Tacoma Rainiers take on the Sugarland Space Cowboys on Sunday, August 18 at 1:35 p.m.!
Tickets are $16 each and include a seat and concessions (one bottle of water, a bag of chips, and a non-kosher hot dog). TBH has a total 40 tickets available and will be sold on a first-come, first-served basis.
Everyone who has registered before July 4th will be entered into a random drawing for a photo on the field with their family/group!
With our libraries cleaned of all duplicates, we have many wonderful books that need new homes currently displayed in the old foyer. Take a peek any time you are in the building.
Keycard Deposits Refunds
The TBH board updated the synagogue's key policy this past spring, which no longer requires a $10 deposit for key holders. If you made a keycard deposit between 2016-2020 and would like your $10 deposit returned, please let Kayla know by June 30. All remaining deposits will be transfered to the synagogue's operating budget on July 1.
TBH Member Connect Email
TBH Member Connect has launched! In order for this to be a sustainable communication tool, please send your entries to Kayla for compilation throughout the month. Some content may be modified and inclusion will be at staff discretion. We will try out this format for the next few months and adjust as needed! Will be sent at the start of each month.
Share your Torah Thoughts!
Each week we have the opportunity to share thoughts and teachings about the weekly Torah portion as part of our services. And we want to hear your wisdom! Rabbi Seth invites you to deliver a d’var Torah at an upcoming service, no experience necessary—and he can help you craft your message. (Also look for a d’var Torah workshop over the summer). If you are interested, sign up here..
Sustaining Fund Judith Barnes in memory of David Barnes
Unity Commons Sponsorship Evan Ferber and Lynne Stockwell
J. David Fine Lida Green Roselle Levy Kleinberger Carla Carol (Baer) Goodman Sarah Schwartz David Barnes Joseph Dubey Martin Kalikow Boris Oksengorn Zilla Gale Myron Youdin Lottie Snyder Pearl Kitmacher Hal Carmel Anthony Felix Kurzyna Irene Vincent Abraham Bean Emma Howell Stessi Boyd Lorraine Shimon Anne Goldberg Tenenbaum Caryl Cooper Elta Steele RA Greene Florence Handlin Ken Mapson
Happy Birthday!
18 Noah Boyes 19 Robert Haynes 20 Nelsa Brodie 20 Russell Hollander 22 Felix Brockman 22 Jessica Halofsky 22 David Hanig 23 Samantha Dille 24 Jim Bamberger 24 Stacy Hirsch
Yahrtzeit Updates & Additions
Members are able to view, edit, and add Yahrtzeits on the member portal of the TBH website here (requires log in). If you need assistance, please feel free to send any updates to
COMMUNITY EVENTS/RESOURCES: Note: These are not necessarily officially sponsored or endorsed by TBH, but they are listed as they have Jewish content and/or may be of interest to our community.
Interfaith Works: Faith Explorations Summer Camp July 22-26, 9 am - 3 pm In-Person at TBH
YOU are invited to Interfaith Works annual Interfaith Summer Camp, Faith Explorations. Each day will feature excursions to local parks and interfaith programming from volunteers from the Interfaith Works member network. Kids will also be given a t-shirt which they will tie-dye! Run by Catherine Carmel, Director of Jewish Family Life and Learning at TBH. Registration deadline is Thursday, July 18, 2024.
July 22-26, 2024 9 AM - 3 PM GRADES 2-6 FREE Donations Warmly Accepted
This camp is led by Catherine but relies on volunteer help and presentations! Volunteer to offer content to campers in 45-90 minute blocks, exploring the theme of Peace related to your faith tradition and practice. Email Catherine for more info.
Temple Beth Hatfiloh, 201 8th Ave SE, Olympia, WA 98501