Erev Shabbat Friday, February 2 Choir Shabbat, 6:30 pm Hybrid Our Shabbat services, on Zoom and in person with Kol N'shama, the TBH Choir! There will be an oneg to celebrate February birthdays and the ratification of Rabbi Seth's contract. Please bring a dessert to share if you wish!
Tot Shabbat, 10:00 am In Person All kids ages 0-6 and their grown-ups and families are invited to share in song, story, movement, music and prayer as we celebrate Shabbat together! Our Tot Shabbat will be held in the sanctuary at TBH. Followed by crafts and snack in the Social Hall
(Monthly) Onegs are Back!
Starting this Friday we will have the return of our Erev Shabbat oneg! Based on our Shabbat schedule which includes the Salon, Growing Shabbat and an online-only service, we will have a once-a-month oneg on the first Friday of the month! This is an opportunity to be together in community and especially share in any simchas (happy occasions) or news that you may have. Birthdays, anniversaries, job news, school news, family/friend news—let’s celebrate it together. TBH will provide a cake and cookies (as well as challah and wine/juice)—you can bring an additional dessert! (welcome, but not required). In addition to your simchas, this month we will celebrate Rabbi Seth’s new contract!
Oneg sponsorships are also available. For a donation of $100, you can sponsor the oneg.
Melaveh Malka: Cooking Night Saturday, February 3, 7:00 pm In Person
This is a monthly opportunity for some TBH social time! Our February program will be: Cooking with Hadassah & Akiva Budrevich-Ryan! Check out their instagram: "What's for Shabbat Dinner?" They will be leading a bureka workshop with veggie fillings, including time for stories, history, and cultural exchanges.
Senior Schmooze with Traveling Jewishly Presentation Tuesday, February 6, 12:00 pm In Person
At February's Senior Schmooze, Daniel Farber will be leading a discussion about what it is like to both travel as a Jew throughout the world, and connect with Jewish people, places, programs and happenings. Daniel has recently been in Israel, South Africa, Morocco, and Spain, with Jewish history and current events often on center stage. Bring your own stories of exploration and connection to your Jewish self when traveling. Bring your curiosity for the stories of your brethren. And oh yes, bring your bag lunch. Noon Tuesday, February 6 at the TBH Social Hall.
FORKids Food Packing Tuesday, February 6, 4:00 pm In Person @ 2260 Mottman Rd SW, Tumwater, WA 98512
Please come and join us at the Thurston County Food Bank in Tumwater on Mottman Road next to the NAPA AUTO Parts and across from SPSCC. There are too many kids that need food during the weekend when they don't have food from the school food programs. Come join us for one of the best mitzvot you can do. We'll work hard, socialize and have some fun. We'll work as a team and make pallets full of protein, milk and snacks for hundreds of children in need.
Every month on the first Tuesday at 4pm until further notice. Bring your friends. This is good for all ages from 7 to 100.
Registration Closes Wednesday 2/7! Friday, February 9, 6:30 pm In Person
Join TBH for a presentation by TBH Member and Evergreen Professor Nancy Koppelman. Nancy will be presenting, "The Oldest Hatred: Coming to terms with Antisemitism."
Our salon includes a dinner at 6:30 pm catered by Nineveh! Our menu this month includes a variety of salatim, veggie skewers, and baklava. We will gather in the social hall at 6:30 to say Shabbat prayers as a community and enjoy dinner together. Our featured presenter will follow at approximately 7:45 pm.
Bar Mitzvah: Levi Zeitlin Saturday, February 10, 10:00 am Hybrid
Please join us in celebrating as Levi Joseph Zeitlin is called as a Bar Mitzvah. Levi is an 8th grader at Washington Middle School where his favorite subject is science. Outside of school, Levi enjoys visiting new places, snowboarding, going to basketball games, hanging out with friends, and hiking. As a mitzvah, Levi is supporting people who are homeless or at risk of homelessness, including by collecting food and non-food donations at the Temple for the Thurston County Food Bank.
The Mourner's Path: Ancient Wisdom for Today’s Heartache Sunday, February 25, 7:00 pm Online
Presented by Hawai'i Inter-Island Chevra Kadisha and co-sponsored by TBH Chevra Kadisha. In times of turmoil, we are held together by the wisdom of our tradition that is embedded in our rituals. We will explore the Mourner's Path that existed in the time of The Temple in Jerusalem as well as a contemporary understanding of the journey through the wilderness of loss. Using holy Hebrew words to reframe our understanding of the tasks and stages of grief, we will traverse the landscape of loss and visit the places in which mourners must dwell in order to do the holy work prescribed by Psalms and "turn mourning into dancing."
Song as a Channel for Blessing Workshop with Batya Levine Sunday, March 3, 1:30 pm In Person
Drawing on the concept of aliyot - being called up to bless and be blessed by the chanting of the Torah - we will interweave song with ritual in a co-created group space to call our prayers into the song, and call the song into our prayers. We will explore the concept of blessings, learn melodies, and have space to give and receive the blessing of song together. This workshop is free for members and $36 for non-members.
SAVE THE DATE: Growing Shabbaton @ Schechter Friday-Saturday, March 15-16 In Person
We will celebrate Shabbat together from beginning to end! Join us Friday for our normal Growing Shabbat dinner and service. Stay overnight in a cabin. Enjoy the the whole next day of camp Shabbat experiences! We'll have tefillah, learning, and plenty of time to eat, schmooze and play. After havdallah, we'll head on home. Registration will be opening soon!
Israel Updates & Opportunities for Support
As the fighting between Israel and Hamas continues, here are some links from our affiliate organizations:
The Washington Coalition of Rabbis is offering a 6-session, online course in Israel and Zionism. See more above.
Reconstructing Judaism hosted a "Shared Values and Multiple Opinions" Presentation on December 17. See the recording here.
Kumsitz Success Our Shabbat Shira kumsitz on January 27th was a great success! Over thirty people participated in singing songs of peace, both from our liturgy and modern folk songs. Many thanks to David Water-Scherer for providing our little “fire,” to Julie Mankin for creating slides of all the lyrics, and to Rabbi Goldstein for leading Havdallah.
If you are interested in singing with the choir, please contact the director, Lydia Beth Leimbach, at
Upcoming Guest Musicians at Unity The choir will be the guest musicians at Unity of Olympia’s Sunday morning service on February 4th from 10:00-11:00 a.m.! We’ll be singing selections from repertoire heard at Erev Shabbat Services. We are honored to be invited.
Contributions in January
Rabbi's Discretionary Fund Fern & Charles Ridout Lori Kishimoto & Craig Wallace May Cohen Nicholas and Sandra Parker
Sustaining Fund Lori Kishimoto & Craig Wallace May Cohen Debra Shapiro Schwent Carla Michalove in honor of Elizabeth Siegel and John Browning Bernie Friedman and Emily Chadwick in honor of Barbara and Oscar Soule Richard Blanke Russel Lidman in honor of Barbara and Oscar Soule Sarah Vasquez
Unity Commons Meal Sponsor Marcia David & Howard Goldberg
Coutyard Planting Sara Glass Michael Koppel Adrienne Buntain Daniel Farber Debra Taylor Gaby Graham and family Ozi Goldstein Jessica Carmel Ashley Boyer Flora Benson Spencer Orman Rabbi Seth’s Jewish Gardening group Josh Halofsky
Meta Williams Bob Perretz Ruth Weiss Leonard Finkel Nathan Shenfeld Dorothy Feigelman John Hansen Sarah Goldberg George Stout Alvin Posner Hayyim Leizerman Leah Boyd Ruth Maybruck Celia Friedman Albert Gottfeld Adina Rosenthal Jeffrey Kashdan Mark Gross Percy Bean Max Shimon Ruby Koppelman Barbara Sapsowitz Sylvia Shelan Janet Halpern Morris Cohen Sam Frank Parker Joyce Goldstein Phil Scheier Gertrude Gitel (Lewin) Baer Katherine Hogarty-Delaney Mary Jane Haynes Louis Rubenstein Kristine Stinson Evelyn Berger Kristine Stinson Frances Kolker Dorothy Ridout Jane Herman
Happy Birthday!
31 Milo Halofsky 1 Carly Michaelson 2 Patricia Barr 2 Hilarie Hauptman 2 Andrée Brooks 3 Sonja Dordal 3 Evan Hirsch 5 Laura Bourland 6 Gordon Pabst 6 gAbRIEL Marks 6 Samantha Sacks
Yahrtzeit Updates & Additions
Members are able to view, edit, and add Yahrtzeits on the member portal of the TBH website here (requires log in). If you need assistance, please feel free to send any updates to
COMMUNITY EVENTS/RESOURCES: Note: These are not necessarily officially sponsored or endorsed by TBH, but they are listed as they have Jewish content and/or may be of interest to our community.
WCR: Survey Class on Israel & Zionism Starts Sunday, February 4, 5:00 pm Online
The Washington Coalition of Rabbis (of which Rabbi Seth is on the Board!) is offering a 6-session, online course in Israel and Zionism. This is an opportunity to learn from a diverse set of Washington State rabbis about about the history and ideology of Zionism and Israel, including how they intersect with Jewish thought, history, and identity. Class meets on Sundays at 5:00 p.m., beginning February 4. Sliding scale tuition, no one is turned away.
Thurston Gun Sense Meeting Monday, February 12, 6:30 pm In Person
Thurston Gun Sense (TGS) will have a speaker at our February 12 meeting, 6:30 to 8 p.m. Jimmy Williams of True Blue Training will provide an overview of firearm safety and demonstrate how gun locks work. TGS has been handing out free gun locks at events in Thurston County for several years. Our meetings are open to all who are interested in promoting firearm safety. Our meetings are hybrid, but this meeting would be best attended in person.
We continue advocating for firearm safety by supporting gun violence prevention bills. Several of these bills are winding their way through our current legislative session. One bill would give the WA State Patrol the ability to destroy confiscated weapons.
If you are interested in attending our meeting or joining our efforts, contact Laura Hurtado-Webb for details on meeting time and location. We can also add you to our listserv to receive updates on legislative activity.
Laura Hurtado-Webb TGS, a chapter of the Alliance for Gun Responsibility
Jewish Community Relations Council: Jewish Community Lobby Day Thursday, February 15 In Person
Join us in Olympia for our first in-person Jewish Community Lobby Day since 2020! At a time when antisemitism is at record levels, it’s more important than ever to have a strong turnout from our community to advocate for our top priorities. Please share information about lobby day widely with your networks.
Camp Solomon Schechter Women's Getaway March 1-3 In Person at Camp Solomon Schechter
This weekend will be filled with unique programming dedicated to meeting with old friends and new, experiencing the magic of Shabbat at camp, and relaxing and having fun.
HFLA: Education Assistance Programs Applications open in April
Need help paying for college? HFLA can help! We offer interest-free, no fee loans of up to $7,500 for postsecondary education and need based scholarships. Scholarship applications open April 1st, Loan applications open May 1st. Informational webinars Mar 20th at 7pm and April 16th at 7pm. Put it on your calendar. Contact (206) 397-0005
Temple Beth Hatfiloh, 201 8th Ave SE, Olympia, WA 98501