The TBH lot is now repaved and available for parking evenings and weekends. Please make sure to enter and exit from the alley on Franklin only.
The main entrance doors unfortunately continue to be inaccessible, with expected access restoration pushed out to late August.
We will be using the back alley door as our primary entrance. We apologize for the inconvenience.
Wednesday, August 23, 2023 | 6 Elul 5783
Erev Shabbat Friday, August 25 Erev Shabbat Services, 7:00 pm Hybrid Please join us to light candles and celebrate Shabbat in community in the TBH sanctuary and online on Zoom
Talmud Study is cancelled for this month. See you in September!
Darchei Noam (Youth Programs) Registration & Orientation Sunday, September 10, 1:00 pm In Person
Darchei Noam registration and orientation is coming up! Mark your calendars and join us September 10 at 1pm. The entire family is invited, although we're going to be focusing our time on the new changes affecting kids between the ages of 5 and 12. Register your family, meet other families, see your TBH friends, pick up a calendar and learn about the new things Darchei Noam has to offer this year.
Shofar Workshop for Elul Sunday, September 10, 2:30 pm In Person
One of the most central and powerful ritual acts of the High Holidays is the sounding of the shofar. Have you wanted to learn the meaning behind the notes and the symbolism of the shofar and, especially, train to blow the shofar yourself?
How can the guidelines of T’shuva inform our current practice of Racial Justice? What did Maimonides have to say about reparations? Join the TBH Reparations Task Force for two sessions of conversation and study on August 20th and September 10th. Join us for one or both sessions, on zoom or in person at the Temple. No prior knowledge required. This is a free event. Registration is encouraged but not required.
Selichot Film: A Kaddish for Bernie Madoff Sunday, September 10, 7:00 pm In Person at the Olympia Film Society
Post-Film Q&A w/ Alicia J. Rose, Alicia Jo Rabins, and Lara Cuddy, moderated by Rabbi Seth Goldstein
A hybrid of musical memoir and narrative fantasy, A Kaddish For Bernie Madoff tells the story of Madoff and the system that allowed him to function for decades through the eyes of musician/poet Alicia Jo Rabins, who watches the financial crash from her 9th floor studio in an abandoned office building on Wall Street.
With Rosh Hodesh Elul around the corner, can Sukkot be that far away? Order your lulav and etrog now! New this year: purchase a lulav and etrog directly from The Esrog Headquarters (our regular TBH supplier). It will be shipped directly to you and TBH will earn commission on each sale! Win-win. To order, use this exclusive link:
Introduction to Judaism Starts October Online
This class is a survey of Jewish texts, practices, ideas, and history, taught by 30 rabbis from across Washington State from a variety of denominations, backgrounds, and work experiences—including Rabbi Seth.
This class is suitable for all adult learners, including those exploring Judaism personally (including possible conversion), those looking to add depth to their Jewish identity, those partnered with Jews or part of Jewish families, or those just interested in learning more about Judaism.
Ingeborg Carola Asher Pepper John Weiner Doris Gershuny Marianne Neff Colleen A. Schumann Lum Jay Goldstein Mitchell L Cohen Max Esfeld Eva Carr Arnold Goldstein Donald Stedman Nate Cooper Marianna Dapello Carol Shivel Edna Shecter Ben Rome Sydney Rubin Gaylah Balter Claire Paroff Jennifer Michele Goodman Sabrowski Ethel Kalikow Judy Kalikow Mesch Roy Greene
Happy Birthday!
23 Linda Rubin 24 Beatrice Gertje 26 Jocelyn Brown 27 John Browning
Yahrtzeit Updates & Additions
Members are able to view, edit, and add Yahrtzeits on the member portal of the TBH website here (requires log in). If you need assistance, please feel free to send any updates to
Temple Beth Hatfiloh, 201 8th Ave SE, Olympia, WA 98501