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As a member, we ask that you make a pledge of financial support. Your pledge helps ensures that TBH can serve as a center for Jewish life in Olympia. The TBH budget for 2024-25 is $490,650. Of that, 60% or $295,000 comes from annual member pledges. For every dollar spent:
TBH has set a Chaver annual membership level of $1,248 ($104 per month) for one-adult households and $2,496 ($208 per month) for two-adult households. This is based on our annual budget, our membership level, and the fact that households vary widely in financial resources. We depend on households that give at or above the sustaining level to meet our budget. We hope that you will give generously from your heart, based on what you are able to give and what you are inspired to give. You are welcome to become a member whatever your financial contribution is.
If you are joining in the middle of the fiscal year, your gift can be pro-rated. Please contact the Temple Office for more details on this or any other questions you might have. Your gift to TBH is tax deductible.
Please choose a suggested level, or write in your pledge in the space provided.
Fri, October 4 2024 2 Tishrei 5785
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